With frantic clawing fingers she tore at that half of the cinching strap, dragging it out from her body and thrusting firm painful breast tissue back through the hole. Her nails and the harsh leather were scraping skin from the swollen globe, and the internal tissues were subjected to even greater stress. She was sobbing continually, but she saw she was gradually achieving her goal.

With a final, exquisitely painful, strenuous effort, she thrust the last volume of her captive breast to freedom back through the hole that had so terribly cinched it. Her wail of anguish was mixed with a heaving sigh of relief, and she tried to smile dimly at her smirking tormentors.

"Wonderful, Vicki. You did it,' n said Betty Jansen gloatingly. "Now, unless you want to be hung from the ceiling by your other tit, you'd better push that one back too. It's the only way to get that special bra off."

After a pause, Betty added, "Of course, we could slice your breast off where it goes through the hole, and then cauterize the wound with a red hot poke if you'd prefer to remove your special bra that way.

The horror of this suggestion set Vicki instantly to work performing the same job on her second deformed breast. From her experience with the first one, she knew how terribly painful the process was going to be and she nearly could not foree herself te do the necessary powerful squeezing that would be required for success. But the suggested alternative was so much worse that she had to continue as ordered. She know that she was nearly out of her mind from the prolonged sexual torture and from having her

unsympathetic audience watch her terrible ordeal with such obvious pleasure.

Vicki know now that she could remove the torturing strap from around her second breast in the same way she had done the first, but the momory of how much it had hurt to do it made her hesitate to start. But if she was hoisted off the floor by the trapped breast it would hurt even more, and would certainly tear that sensitive and necessary globe right off her body, a terrible if not fatal disfigurement for a girl such as she was.

Again using both her hands she began the agonizing process of squeezing the excess inflamatory fluids out of her cinched tit. This time it seemed to take longer and hurt more, but she knew she had to keep on, in order to avoid even worse torments. When at last she was finally able to drag the leather hole off from around her swollen gland, Vicki was 'sobbing and whimpering from the self-inflicted torture and was hysterical from all the abuse she had been made to suffer for her crimes.

Her whole body was filthy, coated with blood, urine, sweat and feces as the result of her prolonged ordeal. The hair on her head was matted and stinking, and as she looked down along her body she acutely felt the loss of her protective bush of pubic hair. She was sure that no one had ever felt as totally awful in every way as she now felt.

She was standing ankle-deep in the disgusting contents of the tub, the picture of utter dejection, when Betty Jansen spoke. "What got our Vicki into trouble was her seemingly desperate need for sexual satisfaction. We know that she hasn't had any rewarding sex-thrills for several days now, so I think